0) { // Si es tablet has lo que necesites // print 'es tablet'; $long1="80%"; $long2="20"; $long3="20"; $mobile_browser=0; $tdese="Tablet"; $longc="25%"; $longv="22%"; $longm="23%"; } else if ($mobile_browser > 0) { // Si es dispositivo mobil has lo que necesites // print 'es un mobil'; $long1="20%"; $long2="15"; $long3="15"; $tdese="Mobil"; $longc="30%"; $longv="24%"; $longm="27%"; } else{ // Si es ordenador de escritorio has lo que necesites // print 'es un ordenador de escritorio'; $long1="60%"; $mobile_browser=0; } ?> Global International Parts, LLC

0) { ?>

Global International Parts LLC is a company dedicated to the wholesale import/export of OEM and excellent quality aftermarket parts for vehicles.

We concentrate on two of the main segments of the vehicle market: Automotive and Commercial.

Supported by great knowledge and experience in the automotive and commercial industry, we are ready to help your business in an innovative way.

We provide import and export services globally, backed by prestigious products of excellent quality and a good stable growth environment. This is how we guarantee a reliable, high quality and avant-garde service.